Monday, 19 December 2016

易經是不易,不变,变化是现象,不变是规律 - 皇室藝人2017運程

皇室娛樂 Royal Entertainment
【師貞,丈人吉,旡咎】 帶兵打仗首先要師出有名,其次用人則是要找老成持重,有豐富疆場經驗者為宜。無經驗者絕不可用。以寡統眾,責任重大,憂慮很深,上面為地,下面有水,處於危險而能以柔順的態度來應付。


蘇奕銓 Elson Soh
【泰,小往大來,吉亨】 雖然一切順利,萬事如意。但人無遠慮,必有近憂。對於事情的發展應當有防患於未然的遠見,則可長保安泰。反之,若不知守成不易,防患未然,則泰極否來,吉之後很快就會轉為凶。

吳錦南 Jacky Goh
【恒亨,旡咎,利貞,利有攸往】 如果你想要的就是穩定,那麼這就是一個大吉之卦;但如果你所想要的是挑戰與成長,那麼這是一個潛藏未來成長障礙的卦。因為過於穩定,將會缺乏變化與創新。


陳肇佑 Hayden Chen
【蹇,利西南,不利東北,利見大人,貞吉】 諸事不宜,強行則有危險。知難而退,回家修練,等待機會,是蹇卦的最佳策略。如果有德高望重或位高權重的人,不妨前去拜訪。


黃家萬 Bryant Wong
【咸亨,利貞,取女吉】 如何正確使用感情來處世?這是卜得咸卦所需注意的基本問題。虛心傾聽,取得他人共鳴,那麼事情自然可成。但若感情用事,濫情而不守禮法,則大凶。


邱明洋 Garrick Kiew
【旡妄,元亨利貞。其匪正有眚,不利有攸往】 不要因為遇到災難而怨天尤人,甚至進一步胡作非為,否則事情會更糟而無法收拾。凡事守靜,循規蹈矩自可渡過難關。


林傑祺 Xavier Lim
【解,利西南,旡所往,其來復吉。有攸往,夙吉】 凡事要積極主動,遇到任何事情,不要拖延,馬上解決則吉。若有出行,則盡早出發為宜。所以卦辭說:「旡所往,其來復吉。有攸往,夙吉。」意思是說:沒有要去那裡的話,就快快回家,吉;有要去那裡的話,早則吉。

周慧玲 Yuna Chew
【屯,元亨利貞,勿用有攸往,利建侯】 屯卦代表「困難」,但不代表失敗。如果能夠屯積實力,走過「凡事起頭難」的階段,未來仍是無可限量。處屯之時,動靜不應有常,行動固然危險,但守靜亦難有所成,動靜之間的最佳平衡應該在於致力鞏固根基,培養實力,但不可輕易主動出擊。


孫承澤 Kaster Seng
【臨,元亨利貞,至于八月有凶】 關心並督促事情要注意保持內心的喜悅,態度及手法的柔順。做事要能持續,不要虎頭蛇尾,則事情可到達新的境界。若半途而廢可能會帶來災難。

蘇億琳 Elen Soh
【損,有孚,元吉,旡咎可貞,利有攸往,曷之用,二簋可用享】 損並不是一般人常識中認為的「損失」,是一個壞卦。反而是「元吉」且「利有攸往」──所以其實損卦是個還算不錯的卦,只要你眼光放遠,願意暫時小小犧牲一下。


林澤勛 Ivan Lim
【革,巳日乃孚,元亨利貞,悔亡】 卜到革卦,絕不能守成、守舊,一定要設法做改變,也就是所謂的洗心革面。若是問人際關係和感情,革是一個大凶之卦,表示與人不但不和,而且到水火不容的地步。


黃靜婷 Engel Wong
【否之匪人,不利君子貞,大往小來】 除了靜待時機,等待否極泰來,或許可以多注意一下自己在溝通能力上的問題。若是為人上司,則應該設法放下身段,打破下屬的心結。若是為人下屬,則可設法將意見上達。


蕭尚恩 Henry Xiao
【萃,亨,王假有廟。利見大人,亨,利貞,用大牲吉,利有攸往】 萃卦最適於「聚集人氣」一類的事務,若可行的會,集合眾人之力也是解決事情的很好方法。凡事可以隆重而盛大舉行,不宜節檢吝嗇。利於遠行,而不利於退守。

丘俊鑫 Lawrence Hiew
【比,吉,原筮元永貞,旡咎,不寧方來,後夫凶】 比道貴在能夠發自內心的積極,表現在外的則是當仁不讓,不落人後。只要積極表現出你的誠意,就能受到青睞。但在此同時,更切記不可侍才傲物(如上六)不屈就於上司,那就是大凶。這也是判斷比卦吉凶的重要法則。

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

There is much cooperation between Singapore and China

I believe our government can handle the recent situation well and hope that the opposition parties can be more sensible in a way, not just barking there, but at least provide some good solutions to assist our government and not to worsen it as this wont benefit you in anyway too.

Currently Singapore’s priority is to avoid embarrassing Beijing. Foreign affairs minister Vivian Balakrishnan in his first public comments sounded emollient. “This is a long and wide-ranging relationship and we will not allow any single issue to hijack it,” he said on Tuesday.

I also agreed with what Jeff Tan Hong Liak had wrote about his thought via The Straits Times: I share Mr Patrick Tan Siong Kuan's disappointment and fully agree with his points ("SAF vehicle seizure: Don't politicise the issue"; Nov 30).

Singapore has been a friend to all sides, and has been quick to offer medical and financial help to others in need.

Singapore has also aided in China's development, such as transferring development know-how and public administration experience in the two nations' joint industrial projects in China, starting with the one in Suzhou in 1994.

Today, the success of the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park serves as a model for urban and industrial developments replicated in other cities across China.

There is much cooperation between Singapore and China, and I hope the issue of the detention of Singapore Armed Forces vehicles in Hong Kong can be resolved soon.

Sunday, 20 November 2016



爲何我會寫“皇室娛樂(Royal Entertainment)真的不行了,我真的要倒了!”,因爲目前我手上的藝人根本就不夠提供給商家和活動主辦單位參與任何他們的邀約,其實原本是演員的林傑祺(Xavier Lim)現在還要去充當主持人,而周慧玲(Yuna Chew)從主持人還要幫忙唱歌;現在的邱明洋(Garrick Kiew)從歌手變成模特接拍廣告,至於蘇億琳(Elen Soh)卻從演員變成歌手去駐唱!當然還有孫承澤(Kaster Seng)從演員變成樂手幫忙彈奏,蕭尚恩(Henry Xiao)從演員變成舞者拍攝跳舞視頻,丘俊鑫(Lawrence Hiew)從歌手忙著接拍廣告!

更值得一提的是蘇奕銓(Elson Soh)竟然要從歌手幫忙去拍戲當演員,陳肇佑(Hayden Chen)從歌手變活動策劃人和編曲人,也沒忘記吳錦南(Jacky Goh)從名人變成電腦和特技維修員!你看看我是不是快不行了?你看看如果再這樣什麽都接,皇室娛樂是不是很快就不行了,因爲我們大家都會勞累而死的!大家除了演藝方面很忙,還要協助公司處理内部工作和其它的應酬,幸好在這很忙的時期來了一位不錯的年輕人 Terry Goh 協助我處理馬來西亞業務以及新加坡和臺灣的商演活動等等!


我願意給藝人機會,無論是要加入皇室娛樂的資深藝人,或是有實力的新人,衹要你們可以符合和配合我要的想法和條件,我們可以談談!但如果衹是想要來我這裏當 NATO(No Action Talk Only),就是那種“衹會講不會做”的藝人,你就要慶幸爲何公司到現在還沒開除你!所以請加油和自動來協助我,而不是等我去找你們!最後我想要再次溫馨提醒全部皇室娛樂藝人和學生,就是不要在我的公司色誘任何一位藝人和新人,如果你很有“性需要”,其實可以直接去問對方要不要“MAKE LOVE",無需做那麽多小動作就就衹爲了那”十分鐘“的私人欲望和滿足!反正如果對方真的有需要,那麽就直接開戰,不用想那麽多計劃和規劃的!

Thursday, 17 November 2016









Wednesday, 2 November 2016








Source of this photo


Wednesday, 12 October 2016




我在思考也在想,如果不公开,有一天粉丝发现了会什么样?后果应该是很严重,因为我旗下艺人苏奕铨在2006年曾经也因为恋情不公开而不小心被粉丝发现,导致许多粉丝流逝,我那时想如果事先公开会如何,可是我最后还是没有公开,才造成大错特错! 直到2014年,我让陈肇佑公开恋情,以为可以让粉丝支持他的才华多过他的外形(毕竟他没有很强的外形),可是我算错了,原来粉丝是不太能接受自己的偶像有情人的,因为比较疯狂的粉丝会把偶像当作男朋友/老公等等!


公开是好事,可是艺人是否可以维持爱情和事业之间的所需吗?特别是当你的另一半说不要艺人抛头露面,而艺人却不顾及对方的感受,我在想这还是爱情吗?两者都很自私,对不?至于如果不公开,艺人是否可以确保对方在你和其他艺人有亲密演戏关系时不吃醋,对方不会在你忙的时候无理埋怨和找你吵架等等?我觉得也很难,特别是一旦隐瞒的爱情被粉丝揭发时,那个后果可能比你自己先说来得严重,因为不理智的粉丝会三五成群离开和痛骂你和另一半,而理智的粉丝还是会支持你,却只会在脸书为你按 LIKE,不会去现场支持你。



几个星期前,我让一位马来西亚艺人 Daniel Chin 陈一鸣 离开公司,他是一位我在台湾的朋友介绍的,可是我好奇为何这位台湾朋友那么厉害却没制作和栽培他,反而介绍给我?至于为何我最后不要他,因为我的前任经纪人 Snow Ang 一直跟我说这位艺人每天都担心我不要他,公司不会再做他等等,导致我觉得这位艺人很烦又很急,让大家都觉得他很讨厌!我记得我叫前任经纪人去开导他,还一度介绍他加盟 Flipside Productions,可是我和 Flipside Productions 都很清楚谁一直在背后搞鬼,只是没有揭发而已,因为我们觉得她很可怜,就是 POOR IN LIFE!

之后我还让她负责其他艺人,因为公司要开发到海外,我会很忙所以需要经纪人和宣传各自领导自己负责的艺人。这位前任经纪人选择了 Asher Lee 和 Kaster Seng,还被我委任多带两位艺人 Roben Keong 和 Elen Soh,因为她是领月薪的工作人员,而我的宣传是没有薪水的,所以我必须公平对待。可是 Daniel Chin 走后,下一个就是 Asher Lee (台湾艺人),我觉得这位艺人虽然有些问题,但不至于到那么多问题,或许是经纪人没有和他讲好吧!最后 Asher Lee 离开后,我有点难过,因为他毕竟是一位人才。

至于她负责的 Roben Keong 最后也离开了,我知道结果应该是这样的,因为她从来不会为艺人争取什么,不想现任的经纪人 Vivian Tan 比较会和我说道理,比较照顾所有艺人,也看得出艺人都很喜欢她!我觉得我很幸运在这个时候可以得到那么好的经纪人,也谢谢温姐给我的提议和鼓励!

今天这篇文章不是为 Daniel Chin 陈一鸣 而写,可是写着写着也就顺便写下我几个星期前对前任经纪人说过的话,就是:“如果 Daniel Chin 可以坚持一点,相信皇室娱乐多一点,会亲自来见我解释一切和道歉,我是愿意把他收在旗下的,而他的地位还是一尘不变!”。可惜这番话并没有到他的耳朵,因为人总是自私的!

现任经纪人 Vivian Tan 愿意留在皇室娱乐,没有选择和前任经纪人一起离开,我其实很感动,因为她的人超级直接的,从我一开始不喜欢她,到我和她接触久了,觉得她是一位不错的女生,也值得我加以栽培,所以大家请支持她!对了,我知道 Daniel Chin 陈一鸣 最近有问为何皇室娱乐为何把他的官方专页换成他原本的名字,我也和 Vivian Tan 说了,这是唯一可以让 Daniel Chin 陈一鸣 回归公司的机会,也是时候 Vivian Tan 去劝劝这位小弟是时候回家了!或许也只有我们这家公司愿意栽培你,也救你!

今天这个 blog,我没有针对任何人,我只是把事实说出来而已,如果你觉得我说你有多不好,因为是你一开始就错了,所以不要怪我,要和我工作和合作,其实你早就知道我的个性就是这样的,有什么就说什么,不用隐瞒的!

Saturday, 17 September 2016


有些新人来公司不到两个月,就以为自己是 Superstar,什么都要宣传和经纪人去服侍!而有些新人连合约都还没签,公司好心愿意从九月开始支付每月一千新元生活费,但一个月都还没到,就要求公司付钱,可恶的是他什么都没有做,连基本脸书更新都不听公司的,就是有空就听,有空就做,最后还怪公司这个那个!







之前我有一位 GAY 艺人,我好心为他隐瞒他是 GAY 的身份,可是当他和经纪人俩出现状况时,他们俩几乎都给我不同回应!经纪人爱他保护他,可是却换来这位艺人说全部都是经纪人说的,他不知道也只能跟着做,最后他被公司开除。目前这位 GAY 艺人去另一家我认识的公司自掏腰包录歌,可是内幕消息告诉我要小心我的经纪人,因为她是幕后推手等等,但我不管那么多,只要她把时间和精力放在我艺人身上,她在外面要做什么我都不管。但如果我觉得她不尽力,也不忠心于公司,我会像开除艺人一样,开除她的!

近日有几位 Pokemon 的战友问我为何每天工作到那么迟,我只能说身边没有太多贤人可以辅助我和旗下艺人。我庆幸他们都愿意帮我,但我都拒绝他们的好意,因为娱乐圈复杂,我不想他们的生活变得那么复杂。目前我可以做的,就是不停删除一些不可以的新人,同时寻常一些不错的新人,重点是不错的新人到底会有多好呢?所以请付学费来上课吧! 






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Friday, 9 September 2016

目前的生活都是为了别人而忙,可悲吧 ?





我每天一睡醒就开会,找商家,写赞助计划书和看看公司互联网日常的运作等等,到了晚上要给艺人上课和培训,到来已经11点了。每周日只有11点,我才有时间去想艺人宣传方案,把他们手上的事情处理一下,看看商家的资料和宣传案子,忙完后就是凌晨2点多了。因为我每晚搭德士很贵,所以不是很累的时候就走路回家,玩一玩 PokemonGO 轻松一下。其实我很节省的,可以在家吃就在家吃,而且那些饭菜可能已放了超过8小时时间冷了酸了!如果再有时间而且不累就洗洗衣服和做做简单家务。

这是我目前的生活,都是为了别人而忙,可悲吧 ?



我最近可怜到还要去写歌,去帮商家做 marketing,甚至还要开始教课等等。我四十岁还要那么幸苦,我在想我为何还那么笨,还一直不会清醒呢?如果我不再带艺人,制作艺人,我现在应该很有钱,还有很多时间去做我想要的事情,也许我会开心一点!是时候决定一下我要走的方向了!真的,因为我不要伤害自己的身体,或许我根本不适合娱乐圈吧!


这些艺人以为自己很累,自己付出很多!他妈的!你知道我每天都为了你工作十多个小时吗?连给自己休息和出去的时间也可能剩下三到四个小时,你觉得你的牺牲很大吗?我一天可能连一餐都没好好吃,你只是他妈的一餐晚点吃就想博取同情,come on 不要以为你是有潜质的新人!没有皇室娱乐给你机会,你根本没机会的!




Monday, 29 August 2016


今天因为台湾歌手陈肇佑发行他的个人单曲 【怕什么】,自己感到压力万分,几乎我每天都无法好好休息,因为我试着了解现在娱乐圈的走向,粉丝到底喜欢些什么,商家要的是什么,媒体有兴趣的是什么,总之我快把自己逼疯了!

Hayden Chen Facebook
这次我大胆尝试一种新的宣传方式,虽然第一站主攻新加坡,虽然得不到新加坡顶尖流行电台的支持,但这其实也不重要,毕竟每个音乐总监都有自己的想法,知道自己的电台比较适合播些什么歌曲等等。 今天是MV首播的第一天,成绩还算不错了!在脸书有超过250人分享视频,还蛮多人留言的,或许因为我们的商家送出智能手机吧?接下来这个星期,我希望脸书分享可以抵达至少1000人以上,至于 YouTube 和 YouKu 频台,如果各有5000点击观看率就算不错了!




陳肇佑 Hayden Chen 【怕什麼】 MV 全球大首播

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Wednesday, 17 August 2016




目前 皇室娛樂 Royal Entertainment 大胆采用粉丝成为艺人宣传,其实是犯了娱乐圈大忌,但如果我不尝试又如何知道是否会成功或h失败呢?我的基本条件就是如果要成为我旗下的艺人经纪或宣传,最重要就是不要到处追艺人和明星,因为很奇怪的!



Monday, 8 August 2016










现在快要早上7点了,如果你可以想我这样无条件为你的艺人付出,我是愿意培养你为一名经纪人的!如果你符合这样的条件,请电邮我到 安排面试!但记得我是一个很霸道也很凶的老师,所以要跟我学习,第一点就是要忍受我的脾气!哈哈!我今天敢写这些很“他妈的话”,因为我都几岁了,在世上还有几个“十年”呢?所以不说白不说,至少说了心里愉快些!

Wednesday, 3 August 2016





Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Reasons why I do not want a particular ARTISTE

There are always a couple of reasons why I do not want to further groom a artiste, especially artiste who can be a great pretender, and too bad Mediacorp never sign you. Check out the below reasons for yourself if you want to understand what type of person I m in real life, as this is to avoid you from guessing or listening to what other people got to say about me.

- Artiste that are simply lazy yet desperate to get involved in recording and filming to gain immediate fame, but are they ready? Can they really sing or act? Have they been practicing with their manager and mentor?

- Artiste that like to do things using their own way and always challenge the management and the team without understanding the problem the company is facing, and they only want the best of it for themselves. 

- Artiste that when manager get them a job or good exposure, they become selective and tell you NOT FREE to attend, but they forgotten how much effort we have to spend before getting them an assignment. 

- Artiste that have show you a different character when in office, during fan meet session, during production casting, during meeting big bosses. Just curious, they are not tired? 

- Artiste that tell you they are straight, and end up they go gay pub hunt for good-looking guy, and when we caught them, they will give excuses like: "I m here to check out how guy nowadays dressed, so that I can improve my own style." 

- Artiste that are slut, always have the urges to sleep around and to hunt for sex. Well, this is normal as everyone have their own needs when they reach certain age, but do you really need to be so slut in the first place?

- Artiste that show disrespectful to senior and junior artistes within the same management. Anyway if you are so good, in the first place you should be in a bigger company right?

- Artiste that jump ship and immediately showing you attitude even when he/she haven't cross over, and he/she will pretend that: "I will still listen and abide to Boss's instruction." But how come he/she never text me nor take his/her own sweet time in replying me? Then a fan will come to me and say: "He/she is scare to talk to you." Hmm..... I was like ok.... End of the day, he/she will blame the fan and say the fan destroy and damage his/her career. 

- Artiste that tell fans how good and innocent they are, cheat the feelings of the fans, and end up when fans start to realize that everything is not true, how would the fans feel? As a artiste, you should love your fans and you no need to have a hundred loyal fans to follow you to every event, you just need a couple of them which is good enough, as after event, they will share with their friends and supporters. 

- Artiste that refuse to work hard and to appreciate opportunity, usually are artiste that wont go far in this industry. This industry had changed and becoming more competitive when we start to have internet and social media platform. Artiste need to do more than what they suppose to do, in order to keep himself/herself alive in this industry. This also apply to many politicians also, that why you can see many ministers and mps working hard on their social media to engage more fans and supporters for themselves. 

Well, after reading the above blog, some of you might be angry, especially those fans who do not know the real stories of the artiste, I can only say: "Continue to be angry or just move on with your life and support another artiste instead". I also tell many fans that if Royal without Elson Soh, who will know the rest of my artistes? You can no need to support Elson Soh, that doesnt mean you need to stop his group of supporters from supporting his event right? 

In Singapore, there are more than 1000 artistes, and daily there are so many artistes holding events and concert, ask yourself who you really want to support and spend the money on to exchange for a moment of enjoyment and happiness, as our lives are so stressful daily. There is no wrong for a fan to select and pick the artiste that he/she like, and there is no wrong for a fan to stop another fan from attending this particular artiste's event. But end of the day, it will still depend on the influence of the artiste and how much the fans really want to see him/her. 

Till today, with this batch of artistes in Royal, I'm touched by many of their commitment and kindness in growing the company and making us stronger within a short period. Here are some of the examples that I can share with each of you and this is my choice to share whether the artiste like it or dont like it. For artistes that I did not mention below, that mean you either did not put in enough effort or you simply think you are a superstar, or you are still working hard to understand the company and trying your best to be with our team.

Elson Soh, he was invited by Lajin to participate in Korea-Beijing audition and the performance at GToken event, but he rather give the opportunities and exposures to all his junior artistes and even willing to fork out money to support Lawrence Hiew to attend training course in Korea. He also given up his chance to release his new single this year, and given the chance to Hayden Chen instead, and end up Hayden Chen have two new singles yet to be release. In the past, this is what he had done for all the ex-artistes too, but he just keep quiet and do not want to be credited, resulting I feel so bad and in-debt to him.

Hayden Chen, he given up the music video production in Korea, he given up the performance opportunities in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong, he given up many performing opportunities just to wait for Royal Entertainment's assignment which at many time I didn't fulfill it due to sponsorship issues. His first single was recorded last year, yet to be release until today, he didn't ask and he tell me that Elson Soh should release first and not him, and he says he is willing to wait until we are ready for him. Last year, I had secured a number of sponsors and projects for one of the Malaysia artistes, but end up he prefer to go Taiwan (but no achievement shown and no Taiwanese sign him) to upgrade his acting, singing and compere skill, resulting I have no choice but to request Hayden to fly into Singapore to take over all these projects. 

Xavier Lim, a very obedient and humble artiste, fighting his way in this industry by securing acting opportunities for himself. He also contribute to our company's daily operation and thank to him, we are recovering now. Recently I spoke to the casting directors from various production houses, all of them seem to love this guy a lot, and say they will continue to support him as well. Before I sign him, he had acted in many of the Mediacorp drama and also short film, plus commercial advertisements, but he still remain humble without showing me. Unlike other artistes who done less than 10 shoots since young, and recently get rejected by Mediacorp Studio saying he is too old, according to what Snow Ang tell me, I was like..... "Ok, this is normal as Mediacorp prefer fresh and young artistes to attract new crowds."

Yuna Chew, she work very hard in whatever assignment and roles that I given her, assisting in the company daily operation as well. A person that I no need to worry and check so much on her work, as I can see her commitment as what she told me during her first interview. No doubt she is not a beauty, but at least her confident and talent allow her to shine in this industry, I believe she will grow strong and shine one day. Anyway she is the first one that tell me: "Boss, I can be a staff first and learn how to be a artiste at a later stage."

Lawrence Hiew and Henry Xiao, good artistes, listen and do what you had assigned them. So far so good, just that they need more training and exposures. 

Garrick Kiew and Roben Keong, no doubt they have a full-time job outside, but if I give them any assignment, usually they will do if they have the time, and if they cant do, they will inform me at least.

Kaster Seng and Elen Soh, just one advise, work hard and stay in close contact with management.

As a artiste, if you do not even have the basic courtesy to apologize and/or to speak to your manager or management, you wont survive anywhere, especially when you are hiding from FANS that you are a GAY! Do not act innocent whereby you are not that innocent in the first place! Do not act stupid whereby you are not that stupid in the first place! *On a side note, I m not against GAY artistes, but rather dislike this particular GAY artiste that created a mess in my company recently, yet acting innocent and causes harm to one of my staffs, and hopefully this staff will wake up from her wonderland.

To me, if a staff and a artiste is explaining to me on a situation, I will trust whoever that I meet the most, the one that help the company the most, as sincerity is more important. If a staff leave the company because of the artiste, he/she is very stupid and I wont keep this type of staff. If a artiste leave the company because of the staff, he/she also very stupid as in the first place, why make use of the staff and create a mess for yourself now? Since day one when any artiste join my company, I already brief them that in this industry, there are many things that they have to take note of, and why because of desperate, you end up killing yourself now?

Support artistes that deserve your support and effort, as some artistes do not deserve it at all. Whether the artistes are from my company or another company, just support them and before that, do understand more about them before you fall in love with them. :)

Saturday, 2 July 2016



今天不知道為何要寫這些,而且我還在辦公司寫這篇部落格,心情不是很好,幸好和肇佑聊天后才讓心情好許多。有時候受商家和夥伴的氣,也沒有比被自己藝人氣 到全身痛和心情差來得嚴重,因為畢竟娛樂這一塊是我的最愛,一份很貴的嗜好!藝人可以笨和單純,可是不可以太笨,裝笨,太單純,裝單純,因為隨著​​年齡的成長,你其實也該長大了!




我自認有時候太感情用事,把對藝人的關心和愛護,變成我最後的負累。我想如果有一天我真的倒下了,你們有幾個人是真的很來關心我的,真的會為我加油的,真的會不顧一切來拯救我的?這問題其實我也不知道。 。。 



近日天蠍好渴望遇見天平,渴望一份天平的溫柔呵護,就是渴望。 天蠍是為了天平而活的,如果沒有當初的約定,就不會有今天的天蠍了。最近天蠍遇見天平,感覺好像是老天爺再一次和天蠍開玩笑,因為小天平的性格和一切都真的好像大天平,真的太像了!


Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Another Achievement on Facebook

In the past few months, when I tell everyone that my social platform are active and command high viewership, many of them give me a "doubting" face and wasted so much money also. Anyway, within less than a month, with a group of artistes from Royal Entertainment taking over the various platforms, we improve very fast and even better than before 2016. 

No doubt past 6 months was wasted, but I take it as experience learned. Well, everybody must learn from experience. At least looking at the current viewership, which is weekly viewership reports from Facebook, I m happy indeed! Thank you everybody for your effort and support, not forgetting Snow Ang for your endurance to assist the company in recovering from all the bad experience and losses. 

Do continue to support our various platforms, as every single click from you, it contribute to our daily effort. Check out below and see our achievement, and if you haven't LIKE us, please do so! Thank you.

Asia Music Chart

SG Breaking News


Campus Rock

Hello FM

Poppy TV

Sunday, 12 June 2016

About Artiste and Artiste Manager

Surviving in entertainment industry for emerging or established artiste is not difficult if you know how to do it and the way to do it. An artiste manager hold an important role, especially when it come to concept, grooming, personal imaging, selection of music, drama and event for the artiste's advancement. But sad to say that, many artiste manager cant even speak proper Chinese and write reasonable English sponsorship proposal.

Many artistes cant survive in this industry because they think too much or they think too highly of themselves, resulting end of the day, they might just be wasting their time waiting for opportunity. But some artistes are basically lazy, think they are talented and good-looking, they can get job and assignment easily, but the truth is this type of artiste usually will make it to nowhere. 

The entertainment industry today is tough, especially for emerging artistes to build their way to stardom. I might not be the best manager, but somehow due to my experience for past 10 over years, I know what is good and what is the best for the artiste. I experience and encounter all type of artistes and talents for past 10 years, through all the success and failure experiments, I finally created my own style of grooming artistes in this new generation. 

There are many good talents outside, and I m serious in grooming good local talents who are not proud and who is willing to take the extra hardship to go for their dream. Anyway Royal Entertainment is rather active this year, and thank you everyone for your support!  

Currently my four new artistes from Malaysia is in <The Birth of a Star> contest by Lajin China. From 11 June till today, four of them still maintain their position in the TOP 100 ranking. This contest have a total of 300 selected candidates through audition around Asia and we are lucky to have four of them in this contest. We hope to get your support as well, and do check out the below following:

从今天开始,每周一到周五,8.30pm 到 10.30pm,皇室娱乐马来西亚新人 (Roben Keong, Yuna Chew, Xavier Lim, Lawrence Hiew) 与你在 《拉近》 有约!每位艺人将现场直播 30 分钟和粉丝近距离接触,你最想和谁聊天呢?首先就先下载 《拉近》 APP 才可以和他们聊天!

iPhone 和 Android 用户可以从以下网址下载 APP:

大家可以用 WeChat, QQ 或 Weibo 户口登入这个 《拉近》 APP,之后就根据以下方式寻找我们的四位艺人!

1. 先点击在 APP 下面的 “星星” logo
2. 进入 《拉近V榜》 就从排名榜找一下我们的艺人账号按 《追随》
> 8.30pm - 羅炳強 Roben Keong
> 9.00pm - 周慧玲 Yuna Chew
> 9.30pm - 林傑祺 Xavier Lim
> 10.00pm - 丘俊鑫 Lawrence Hiew

最后一定要把你户口每天的 《爱心》 都按给他们!我们今晚和你不见不散!

‪#‎皇室娛樂‬ ‪#‎林傑祺‬ ‪#‎周慧玲‬ ‪#‎羅炳強‬ ‪#‎丘俊鑫‬ ‪#‎RoyalEntertainment‬ ‪#‎XavierLim‬ ‪#‎YunaChew‬ ‪#‎RobenKeong‬ ‪#‎LawrenceHiew‬ ‪#‎明星的诞生‬ ‪#‎Lajin‬ ‪#‎拉近‬

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Just write this post to remind you to read my blog

Recently too many surprises going around, but nothing new and special to me anymore, as I m placing my focus on things that I need to do and people that worth my helping hand. Just back from Jurong Point after recce the location for insurance roadshow and entertainment event after June 2016. I'm wondering what will be the effect of combining both roadshow and event together, so I'm going to give it a try.

A couple of my sponsors were asking me: "Why are you using your marketing platforms and your artistes to redeem free products for your agents, is it worth doing that?". Well, my answer is quite standard anyway. To me, there is nothing about worth or not worth it, but rather a trust within working partners. I'm a person that if I trust you, I will help you as much as I can, and if I don't trust you, I wont even bother end of the day, regardless how much you going to pay me. I can ignore all the nonsense if I want to, but sometimes I also get into unnecessary troubles because of my own staffs for their stupid attitudes and poor character.

At this hour, can you imagine I'm still working, but at least better than the past few months whereby I have to check and re-check on what the various staffs are doing, despite I have a team working in office. Today I'm working extra hours on other projects that can enhance my clients and my artistes' advancement, and not correcting whatever the team are doing. I'm not saying who is good or who is no good, but rather who can understand what I want. Well, not everyone can do what you do, especially in today society, who do not want to enjoy a high salary and less working hours with less burden? 

Before I continue with my works and reading the new magazines that I just brought from 7-Eleven, here is a recap of the artistes and new talents that Royal Entertainment just signed recently. I just want to do something that I like, my passion that I have for past 15 years in the entertainment industry. 

A professional lifestyle shoot by Lisa Lum, a good photographer that I know for 10 years. This shoot is for a local newspaper known as "Golf", that only available at all the country club in Singapore. From June to August 2016, you will be reading a series of stories featuring Elson Soh (singer-songwriter) and Jacky Goh (lifestyle personality). 

Above photo featuring the four new talents that Royal Entertainment signed within past two months after the audition. They are namely: Yuna Chew, Lawrence Hiew, Xavier Lim and Roben Keong. I would say that they are very new to the entertainment industry, basically still need to train and groom by professional trainers, but except for Roben Keong who have some experience as a stage performer. Anyway thank you Happy Salad in advance for sponsoring our upcoming event that will be held at their new location.

Malaysia artiste Daniel Chin with the two bosses from Reflections Cosmetology and this is the first time they met at Universal Wealth Group office. The two products on Daniel's hand are from one of their brands Pretty Easy and I must say their coffee and milk tea are really GOOD and nice to drink! Most important both the products are healthy and can help us slim down in a way.

Garrick Kiew, the grey hair artiste from Singapore, was signed by Royal Entertainment in March 2016. He do have potential to be developed into a singer due to his unique vocal, but I do hope he will change to fit himself into the entertainment industry if he is serious in seeing himself in Asia market. As for the female artiste standing beside Elson Soh, her name is Ng Yang Ce, a emerging singer-songwriter from Flipside Productions, quite a nice girl and she is formerly the finalist from Campus Superstar first season. Do also give her your support as well!

The last one that will be featured in my blog is the artiste from Taiwan, Hayden Chen! I will never forget him as he will be releasing his debut single after we release Allan Moo's single in June 2016. Recently there is a news in Taiwan about Hayden, click HERE to read more and it is indeed interesting to know that he was invited by a Malaysia gay club to perform a couple of cover songs that he recorded online. 

Lastly, before I seriously start work before I sleep, just want to share with everyone that I'm writing this post just to remind YOU to read my blog, whether for my followers or my haters, I know you want to know what I'm doing recently, so I just write and earn some money for my google advertisement through my blog post.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Elson Soh - A choice that I never regret

Elson Soh 蘇奕銓, a name that you might be familiar or you might heard from somewhere before, or you never even heard of him at all. But to me, he is someone important to me, someone that stay with me no matter I'm up or down in this entertainment or business industry. I signed him on December 2005, release his debut single on June 2006 through EMI Music. 

Along the way, I'm too ambition to build my company and establish a status in the entertainment industry, I invested all my saving and money in the artistes that I signed, and many artistes come and leave when I fail my business and when they heard that I have a bad reputation, but Elson Soh didn't leave. Despite the fact that we always quarrel due to disagreement on production and other issues, he always give in to me as he do not want me to feel upset. Till date, no matter who I sign, he never ever mention or comment on the artiste, but he will help in whatever way he can help. 

Many of my friends and clients asked me if I ever regret giving up "this artiste" and "that artiste" because of Elson Soh, whom I believe that he will shine in future, and my answer is always the same until today, which is "Elson Soh is a choice that I never regret". No doubt 10 years already, he still not as famous as anyone else in Asia, but that is no longer our priority as we had already succeed long ago. 

Why I say we had already succeed long ago? Well, at least he have a few singles and albums under his belt, he held his debut ticketed music concert at Singapore Max Pavilion, he have a number of karaoke videos, he endorsed a number of brands and products, he appeared in many local and international media and press, he have his own companies now. What else can we ask for? In fact, we lead a fulfill life, better than more of the people around us, we are fortunate that we can still continue our passion and at the same time running a couple of different businesses. 

10 years had passed by, and we are still standing in the entertainment industry, yet at the same time running other businesses with our artistes and personalities, including a group of colleagues with us. Today, I decided to blog about Elson Soh, is because I remember what he always says in the past: "You only know how to scold me, you never bother about how I think, you always think you are right and I always wrong, you always think other artiste is better than me, no matter how much effort I put in, in your heart, I'm always the lousy artiste you ever sign. You never care about how upset and how depressed I can be at time."

Elson Soh, I just want to tell you that you are the best artiste that I ever signed, thank you for everything. You are the only one that really care about me, my family and my business. To me, you are my family, not just a artiste or business partner, but a closed family member in my life. 

You are the one that make me proud as many artiste management can't keep their own artistes as long as I keep you. At least this is something to prove that I do care for artiste that care for me and the company, otherwise we will never be able to accomplish so many achievements together for 10 years. Without you, there is no Royal Entertainment and whatever I have today. Thank you once again.

Some of my competitors and haters says that Elson Soh is not popular or whatever, but let see and wait for his ticketed music concert this year. In 2011, he is the youngest artiste in Singapore to pledge a 3500 sold-out ticketed music concert, this year he will create another history in Singapore again.  

To know more about Elson Soh 蘇奕銓:
Blog: Click HERE
YouTube: Click HERE
Facebook: Click HERE

Sunday, 13 March 2016

People come, people go, so normal everywhere now

Recently very busy, with securing of roadshows for my insurance team and arranging viewings for my property team, plus planning events and music showcases for my artiste group. 

Today is the 13 days of the month and you can see how times flies. 13 days encountered a lot of things, happiness and unhappiness, all happen in March 2016. But life still have to go on, whether happy or sad, as we do not need to live for other. Something that I have learned this month after seeing so many unappreciative people around me. 

When you grow bigger and expanding for better future, you will see who will be there for you, who will really give you everything just to ensure you meet your target. People who always doubt you, just let them go, and must let them go, as no point spending time counseling them at all. End of the day when they are successful, will they still remember you?

My price tag is for people who take me for granted and now seem like people who have a little doubt, I will also impose my price tag on them too. No choice, I have to do it, otherwise all the companies under my charge wont grow and wont be able to make more profits. 

People who can work for you, work hard for you, these are the people we should care for. People who cant take stress or have many issues and thoughts, just let them grow and keep the friendship if possible. We cant be there to please everyone, we cant be there to assist everyone, as end of the day, we will feel tired of everything till the extend of getting disappointed. 

My objective is that by June 2016, I can see a strong management with elite staffs and members, including artistes and working partners. Now is the "cleaning" season actually, also have to see who is good and who is lousy to work with. Work with people that can benefits me and my company, and not people who only take my benefits. People come, and people go, this is so normal everywhere now.