Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Reasons why I do not want a particular ARTISTE

There are always a couple of reasons why I do not want to further groom a artiste, especially artiste who can be a great pretender, and too bad Mediacorp never sign you. Check out the below reasons for yourself if you want to understand what type of person I m in real life, as this is to avoid you from guessing or listening to what other people got to say about me.

- Artiste that are simply lazy yet desperate to get involved in recording and filming to gain immediate fame, but are they ready? Can they really sing or act? Have they been practicing with their manager and mentor?

- Artiste that like to do things using their own way and always challenge the management and the team without understanding the problem the company is facing, and they only want the best of it for themselves. 

- Artiste that when manager get them a job or good exposure, they become selective and tell you NOT FREE to attend, but they forgotten how much effort we have to spend before getting them an assignment. 

- Artiste that have show you a different character when in office, during fan meet session, during production casting, during meeting big bosses. Just curious, they are not tired? 

- Artiste that tell you they are straight, and end up they go gay pub hunt for good-looking guy, and when we caught them, they will give excuses like: "I m here to check out how guy nowadays dressed, so that I can improve my own style." 

- Artiste that are slut, always have the urges to sleep around and to hunt for sex. Well, this is normal as everyone have their own needs when they reach certain age, but do you really need to be so slut in the first place?

- Artiste that show disrespectful to senior and junior artistes within the same management. Anyway if you are so good, in the first place you should be in a bigger company right?

- Artiste that jump ship and immediately showing you attitude even when he/she haven't cross over, and he/she will pretend that: "I will still listen and abide to Boss's instruction." But how come he/she never text me nor take his/her own sweet time in replying me? Then a fan will come to me and say: "He/she is scare to talk to you." Hmm..... I was like ok.... End of the day, he/she will blame the fan and say the fan destroy and damage his/her career. 

- Artiste that tell fans how good and innocent they are, cheat the feelings of the fans, and end up when fans start to realize that everything is not true, how would the fans feel? As a artiste, you should love your fans and you no need to have a hundred loyal fans to follow you to every event, you just need a couple of them which is good enough, as after event, they will share with their friends and supporters. 

- Artiste that refuse to work hard and to appreciate opportunity, usually are artiste that wont go far in this industry. This industry had changed and becoming more competitive when we start to have internet and social media platform. Artiste need to do more than what they suppose to do, in order to keep himself/herself alive in this industry. This also apply to many politicians also, that why you can see many ministers and mps working hard on their social media to engage more fans and supporters for themselves. 

Well, after reading the above blog, some of you might be angry, especially those fans who do not know the real stories of the artiste, I can only say: "Continue to be angry or just move on with your life and support another artiste instead". I also tell many fans that if Royal without Elson Soh, who will know the rest of my artistes? You can no need to support Elson Soh, that doesnt mean you need to stop his group of supporters from supporting his event right? 

In Singapore, there are more than 1000 artistes, and daily there are so many artistes holding events and concert, ask yourself who you really want to support and spend the money on to exchange for a moment of enjoyment and happiness, as our lives are so stressful daily. There is no wrong for a fan to select and pick the artiste that he/she like, and there is no wrong for a fan to stop another fan from attending this particular artiste's event. But end of the day, it will still depend on the influence of the artiste and how much the fans really want to see him/her. 

Till today, with this batch of artistes in Royal, I'm touched by many of their commitment and kindness in growing the company and making us stronger within a short period. Here are some of the examples that I can share with each of you and this is my choice to share whether the artiste like it or dont like it. For artistes that I did not mention below, that mean you either did not put in enough effort or you simply think you are a superstar, or you are still working hard to understand the company and trying your best to be with our team.

Elson Soh, he was invited by Lajin to participate in Korea-Beijing audition and the performance at GToken event, but he rather give the opportunities and exposures to all his junior artistes and even willing to fork out money to support Lawrence Hiew to attend training course in Korea. He also given up his chance to release his new single this year, and given the chance to Hayden Chen instead, and end up Hayden Chen have two new singles yet to be release. In the past, this is what he had done for all the ex-artistes too, but he just keep quiet and do not want to be credited, resulting I feel so bad and in-debt to him.

Hayden Chen, he given up the music video production in Korea, he given up the performance opportunities in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong, he given up many performing opportunities just to wait for Royal Entertainment's assignment which at many time I didn't fulfill it due to sponsorship issues. His first single was recorded last year, yet to be release until today, he didn't ask and he tell me that Elson Soh should release first and not him, and he says he is willing to wait until we are ready for him. Last year, I had secured a number of sponsors and projects for one of the Malaysia artistes, but end up he prefer to go Taiwan (but no achievement shown and no Taiwanese sign him) to upgrade his acting, singing and compere skill, resulting I have no choice but to request Hayden to fly into Singapore to take over all these projects. 

Xavier Lim, a very obedient and humble artiste, fighting his way in this industry by securing acting opportunities for himself. He also contribute to our company's daily operation and thank to him, we are recovering now. Recently I spoke to the casting directors from various production houses, all of them seem to love this guy a lot, and say they will continue to support him as well. Before I sign him, he had acted in many of the Mediacorp drama and also short film, plus commercial advertisements, but he still remain humble without showing me. Unlike other artistes who done less than 10 shoots since young, and recently get rejected by Mediacorp Studio saying he is too old, according to what Snow Ang tell me, I was like..... "Ok, this is normal as Mediacorp prefer fresh and young artistes to attract new crowds."

Yuna Chew, she work very hard in whatever assignment and roles that I given her, assisting in the company daily operation as well. A person that I no need to worry and check so much on her work, as I can see her commitment as what she told me during her first interview. No doubt she is not a beauty, but at least her confident and talent allow her to shine in this industry, I believe she will grow strong and shine one day. Anyway she is the first one that tell me: "Boss, I can be a staff first and learn how to be a artiste at a later stage."

Lawrence Hiew and Henry Xiao, good artistes, listen and do what you had assigned them. So far so good, just that they need more training and exposures. 

Garrick Kiew and Roben Keong, no doubt they have a full-time job outside, but if I give them any assignment, usually they will do if they have the time, and if they cant do, they will inform me at least.

Kaster Seng and Elen Soh, just one advise, work hard and stay in close contact with management.

As a artiste, if you do not even have the basic courtesy to apologize and/or to speak to your manager or management, you wont survive anywhere, especially when you are hiding from FANS that you are a GAY! Do not act innocent whereby you are not that innocent in the first place! Do not act stupid whereby you are not that stupid in the first place! *On a side note, I m not against GAY artistes, but rather dislike this particular GAY artiste that created a mess in my company recently, yet acting innocent and causes harm to one of my staffs, and hopefully this staff will wake up from her wonderland.

To me, if a staff and a artiste is explaining to me on a situation, I will trust whoever that I meet the most, the one that help the company the most, as sincerity is more important. If a staff leave the company because of the artiste, he/she is very stupid and I wont keep this type of staff. If a artiste leave the company because of the staff, he/she also very stupid as in the first place, why make use of the staff and create a mess for yourself now? Since day one when any artiste join my company, I already brief them that in this industry, there are many things that they have to take note of, and why because of desperate, you end up killing yourself now?

Support artistes that deserve your support and effort, as some artistes do not deserve it at all. Whether the artistes are from my company or another company, just support them and before that, do understand more about them before you fall in love with them. :)

Saturday, 2 July 2016



今天不知道為何要寫這些,而且我還在辦公司寫這篇部落格,心情不是很好,幸好和肇佑聊天后才讓心情好許多。有時候受商家和夥伴的氣,也沒有比被自己藝人氣 到全身痛和心情差來得嚴重,因為畢竟娛樂這一塊是我的最愛,一份很貴的嗜好!藝人可以笨和單純,可是不可以太笨,裝笨,太單純,裝單純,因為隨著​​年齡的成長,你其實也該長大了!




我自認有時候太感情用事,把對藝人的關心和愛護,變成我最後的負累。我想如果有一天我真的倒下了,你們有幾個人是真的很來關心我的,真的會為我加油的,真的會不顧一切來拯救我的?這問題其實我也不知道。 。。 



近日天蠍好渴望遇見天平,渴望一份天平的溫柔呵護,就是渴望。 天蠍是為了天平而活的,如果沒有當初的約定,就不會有今天的天蠍了。最近天蠍遇見天平,感覺好像是老天爺再一次和天蠍開玩笑,因為小天平的性格和一切都真的好像大天平,真的太像了!
